Our Mission

Saint Paul Almanac is a literary arts organization. We tell and share stories across cultures and cultivate dialogue to promote understanding, relationships, and collaborative action.

Our Publishing Contract

By submitting to Saint Paul Almanac, you agree to the following terms:

Author/Artist owns the copyright to their work published by Saint Paul Almanac (SPA), and, therefore, they can resell. or re-license their work in any way they choose, without permission from SPA. 

Author/Artist grants SPA the right to publish their work in the Saint Paul Almanac anthology and in the SPA digital magazine, and also grants SPA unlimited usage of their work in print, on the web (including our website and our social media sites, such as FB and IG), and in any subsequent repurposing of their work (e.g., new editions, “Best of” editions, etc.). 

In the case of content editing and copy editing, during the final stages of the editorial process, the publisher will have the editorial authority to edit both poetry and prose (e.g., articles and stories) for readability and space considerations. During the earlier stages of the editing process, the Author agrees to work with the editor(s) to revise accepted work.

The Author/Artist warrant that the material is original and that the Author/Artist owns the publishing and all other rights to the material and that said rights are not subject to any prior agreement or other right that may interfere with or impair the rights of Saint Paul Almanac under this agreement.


Saint Paul Almanac is looking for artwork for Volume 14!

We are looking for images, paintings, photographs, collages, and other art that represent the times we are in and the possibilities for the future. The artwork can be in color or black and white and it can be figurative or abstract. 

Our anthology is a collection of stories and poems from Minnesotan writers who share personal experiences of heartbreak and healing, of protest and survival, of family and community, and connection with the wild. The artwork reflects the diversity of Saint Paul’s and Minnesota's many cultures and the ways we can come together or focuses the beauty of our natural spaces. 

All artwork must be submitted as a jpeg (72-100 dpi) through Submittable and the submitter must own the rights to it and confirms it has not been previously published or exhibited. Add a brief bio to be included in the back of the book. All accepted artists will receive $75 when the book is published in 2025. 

Please submit no more than 5 images.

If your work is selected for this print publication, you will be asked to send via email a high-res, 300 dpi, EPS   file (at a width of 9” or more) directly to our Director of Visual Strategy  (this email will be sent to you). Note: if you only have a JPEG of your work, please send that as large as possible.

Saint Paul Almanac is looking for cover art for Volume 14!

We are looking for something contemporary, colorful and vivid, that illuminates how the communities of Saint Paul and of Minnesota are brought together when we share our stories, our cultures, our struggles, our longings, and our dreams. This can also be figurative or abstract and lets the reader know they are about to embark on a remarkable journey through a mosaic of stories and poems that are personal and courageous, provocative and insightful. This is our 20th anniversary Volume 14 so we want something unique and compelling. 

All artwork must be submitted as a jpeg (72 -100 dpi) through Submittable and the submitter must own the rights to it, and affirm it has not been previously published. Artist must live in the state of Minnesota. Add a brief bio to be included in the back of the book. Winner of the cover contest will receive $300 when the book is published in 2025.

 Submit artwork as a small jpeg (72-100 dpi) through Submittable. If your work is selected for this print publication, you will be asked to send via email a high-res, 300 dpi, EPS   file (at a width of 9” or more) directly to our Director of Visual Strategy  (this email will be sent to you). 

Note: if you only have a JPEG of your work, please send that as large as possible.


Saint Paul Almanac